落淚了,想要告訴你我的感動; 看見電影裡的舞會,想起你拉著我手轉圈圈的情景; Come hold me now,電影尾聲的音樂這樣唱著。
但是伸出手,卻抓不著你。凝結,在空氣裡,像失去鋼琴的鋼琴師,只能對著空氣想像觸摸琴鍵的感覺。千千萬萬的電話電纜網路,忙碌熱絡的來去卻搜尋不到你; 知道你確實的存在世界某個角落,但無論如何找不到那個位置。 於是你變成一種虛幻。 “ 真的有這個人嗎?” 有時我會這樣想。
如果有一天我就這樣悄悄的離開,你會不會也要過了好多天,想起來要打個電話給我時才知曉? 如果在某個大雪紛飛的夜晚我忽然想赤腳在雪地裡行走,想看看黑夜的森林,你會不會在某處點起一盞燈,等待並指引我回家的路? 如果在某個深夜被惡夢驚醒,我是否能有一組密碼直接打電話到你心裡,告訴你我需要你?
Come hold me now
I am not gone
I would not leave you here alone
In this dead calm beneath the waves
I can still hear those lost boys calling
You could not speak
You were afraid
To take the risk of being left again
And so you tipped your hat and waved and then
You turned back up the gangway of that steel tomb again
And in Mott street in July
When I hear those seabirds cry
I hold the child
The child in the man
The clild that we leave behind
"Lost Boys Calling" ,Roger Waters
- Apr 18 Tue 2006 13:20